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4D podcast: explaining the country review process

Bennelong’s Dave Whitby speaks with Greg Goodsell, 4D’s Global Equity Strategist, about 4D’s unique country review process – an integral part of the business’s investment process – and its impact on the portfolio.

Globes & flags

“When Sarah and I started to put 4D together … we wanted to formally incorporate country risk assessment into our investment process. We can’t invest in a stock unless we’re first happy with the country from which that stock comes."

  • 0:32 - How Russia stacks up in 4D's country review process 
  • 2:06 – The origins and purpose of the country review process
  • 3:11 – Red, yellow and green: the four-step process behind 4D’s traffic light system (and the subsequent implications)
  • 5:45 – Examples of when the process has unexpectedly changed a country’s rating
  • 8:01 – Global recovery, growth and opportunities in an inflationary environment

For more detail on our country review process, you can read our Global Matters article: Why country risk matters.

The content contained in this audio represents the opinions of the speakers. The speakers may hold either long or short positions in securities of various companies discussed in the audio. This commentary in no way constitutes a solicitation of business or investment advice. It is intended solely as an avenue for the speakers to express their personal views on investing and for the entertainment of the listener.


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